Snoop Dogg: the GPS industry’s secret weapon against Google

You know what TomTom has that Google Maps Navigation doesn’t? Snoop. D. O. Double G. Voice Skins, the same company that brought Homer Simpson to the world


I have to say that the novelty wears off after a while, nevertheless voice skins on your nav have proven to be a huge success for TomTom. It is very smart marketing and a way of renewing your nav over and over again. I spend a lot of time looking at changing markets and how classic business models need to keep reinventing themselves. TomTom is a really good example of a business that keeps doing that.

I remember people saying the market would be saturated 5 years ago, but people are still buying nav units because they are still the best at what they do. That should get a few people going. I’m looking forward to your comments.

See on Scoop.itLocation Is Everywhere

About Luigi Cappel

Writer for hire, marketing consultant specialising in Location Based Services. Futurist and Public Speaker Auckland, New Zealand
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